Home :: Sterling Silver Jewelry :: Rosaries :: Rosary Rings :: Sterling Silver Knotted Beads Rosary Ring One Mystery Single Decade Rosebud Beads Cutout Pattern 1 11/16 inch
Sterling Silver Knotted Beads Rosary Ring One Mystery Single Decade Rosebud Beads Cutout Pattern 1 11/16 inch [Mouse Over to Zoom]

Sterling Silver Knotted Beads Rosary Ring One Mystery Single Decade Rosebud Beads Cutout Pattern 1 11/16 inch

This Ring Rosary is made from Solid Sterling Silver and Oxidized Finished to Highlight the Details. It consists of a single decade (One Mystery) of The Holy Rosary Prayer & Meditation. The praying of each decade is accompanied by meditation on one of the Mysteries of the Rosary which are events in the lives of Jesus Christ and his mother the Blessed Virgin Mary.
SKU : PRP115
[In Stock]
Material : Sterling Silver
MetalType : Sterling Silver
MetalStamp : 0.925
Item Price : $55.72
Original Price : $111.00
Quantity :